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Temporary Administrative Support Personnel Program

VASS offers the service of providing for our members a list of Retired Educational Leaders who are interested in continuing to share their knowledge and skills by serving as Interim Appointees when school divisions have an opening in a Leadership Position. 

Each year, in the spring, retiring educators who have been serving in leadership positions are asked if they would like to register to be part of this database of retired educators who are willing to serve as Temporary Administrative Support Personnel.

Retired Educational Leaders who are interested in being part of this TASP Program are asked to provide information on their past service in Virginia and their areas of expertise, as well as their contact information.  They are told that the information they provide will be protected, and it will be shared only with VASS Staff and Virginia’s Superintendents.

If you are interested in interviewing any of the educators on the database of Retired Educational Leaders for a vacancy in your division, or to provide mentoring for a new hire in your division, we ask that you, as the Superintendent of your school division, make the initial contact with these Retired Educational Leaders.