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VASS 2023-2024 Year In Review

Dear VASS members,

This year we are proud to have continued to provide the excellent service VASS members have been accustomed to receiving for many years. Whether you have just begun your journey as a Virginia superintendent, are a retiring superintendent, or are somewhere in between, we hope you know that the VASS team is honored to support you through all the challenges and successes of your important leadership role.

This Year in Review highlights some of our most memorable moments of the 23-24 school year.
We enjoyed sitting alongside you at our packed conferences and connecting with you virtually for timely and important webinars throughout the year.

With teamwork from many VASS members and strong relationship-building with members of the General Assembly and the Administration, we accomplished positive change with more than $2.5 billion in new K-12 funding, new local license flexibility in hiring, and full implementation of our VRS Return to Work legislation.
The support of our over 100 business partners went well beyond their financial contributions, which now for the first time in our association history constitutes over half of VASS’s total revenue.

Thank you to our superintendents, retired superintendents, business partners, and stakeholders for a great year. We look forward to continuing the journey with you in the year ahead!

Your VASS Team

Year in Review 23 24

Member Services

  • Implemented new financial services benefit with TCG
  • Restored our crisis and urgent communications benefit with Donovan Group
  • Expanded our Just-in-Time webinars with VDOE and business partners on the following topics: Performance and Support Framework, School Funding Formulas, VLA implementation, AI, and best practices in instruction and chronic absenteeism reduction
  • Provided through VTLA expanded coaching services to both 1st and 2nd year Superintendents with guidance and support from new VASS Senior Coaches
  • Implemented new executive coaching field guide to strengthen and standardize coaching practices

Member Advocacy

  • Successful VASS Advocacy in General Assembly resulted in $2.5 billion more for K-12 instruction and new local license flexibility in hiring
  • Expanded superintendent advocacy and presence during the Virginia General Assembly session, with weekly phone and written updates to the membership, and targeted communications to GA members from superintendents that changed the course of multiple K-12 legislative initiatives
  • Executive Director continued monthly public comments at the Virginia State Board of Education meetings on accountability, chronic absenteeism, VLA, new math and ELA standards and other key VASS advocacy concerns

Professional Learning

  • Successful Fall, Winter, and Spring Conferences with near record attendance
  • VASS Mental Health and Wellness Series
  • VASS Math Series

Business Partnerships

  • Relaunched VASS Business Partner Advisory Committee brings new ways for member interactions like Gallery Walks and Table Top presentations
  • Initiation of quarterly billing cycle and collections policy


  • VASS Newsletter continues showcasing school districts successes and sharing Superintendent Spotlights to celebrate public education
  • Continued implementation of robust social media presence to highlight Region Superintendents of the Year