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Implementing New SOL Standards: A Superintendent’s Guide to Moving New Standards Through the Classroom Doors

Are you thinking about everything that’s been added to our administrative leaders’ and teachers’ plates to implement the new K-12 Math and English Language Arts this coming year? Want to be sure your staff are dotting all the i’s and crossing all their t’s to be sure your learners are learning what they need? Thinking about how to be sure that assessments you use are calibrated to the new standards?

Presenters: Dr. Brian Nichols, New Kent Superintendent, Dr. Stephen Geyer, Goochland Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Dr. Pam Moran, Virginia School Consortium for Learning and retired superintendent from Albemarle

Brian, Steve, and Pam share tried and true actions that division staff can take to align curriculum, adapt instruction, and design and use assessments that reflect the more rigorous learning expectations embedded in the new standards. From Preservice Week with your new and returning teachers to the spring assessment window, we’ll help you think about all the leadership “need to knows and dos” and questions to ask your team to ensure your students are on track for successful mastery of new Standards of Learning. We’ll also make time for participants to network and share your own best practices and resources.

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